Weather .....

Due to the persistent cold weather and lack of sun our plants are still tucked up under numerous layers of fleece, which means that I am a bit behind with mail orders. If your order is urgent please let me know. 

Jasminum sambac

Jasminum sambac ‘Maid of Orleans’ (Arabian Jasminum)

This evergreen frost-tender shrub or climber is the national flower of the Philippines. Its beautifully scented flowers appear over a long period from spring to autumn under cover in the UK.

Grow in good quality loam based compost with some horticultural grit mixed in to ensure good drainage. It prefers a well-lit location, but it’s best to avoid strong sunlight under glass. The plant can be placed outdoors in a sheltered sunny spot for the summer, but should be brought in before the first frosts. During the growing season feed occasionally with Tomato food to encourage more flowers. In the winter stop feeding, and reduce watering so that the top half of the compost dries out. The plant should be kept in a frost free location – if you don’t have a heated conservatory or greenhouse you can trim it back and place near a window in a cool room in the house.

In the spring tidy up your plant by cutting back any dead or straggly stems. It can be cut back during the summer too if required to keep it under control.

This variety is more shrubby in habit than others so should be more manageable in a smaller space.