Indoor Trailing Plants

Trailing houseplants have regained popularity in recent years and rightly so. It can be very calming sharing space with a living thing and watching it grow. Many people think they need lots of windowsill space to grow houseplants but you don't! Many plants are quite happy just with reasonable light so somewhere nearby a window is fine. Hanging or trailing plants can be accommodated in a small area on a shelf or dedicated plant hanger suspended from the ceiling.

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

46 Items
Campanula isophylla 'Variegata'
Variegated Italian Bellflower

A tender perennial with variegated leaves & pale blue flowers in summer. Grow in a greenhouse or similar all year, or pop into a hanging basket for the summer.

Chlorophytum   'Bonnie'
Chlorophytum 'Bonnie'
Curly Spider Plant

A more compact version of the Spider Plant with curly variegated foliage. Ideal for a trailing plant in a tight spot.

Chlorophytum comosum 'Vittatum'
Chlorophytum comosum 'Vittatum'
Spider Plant

Spider Plant with green leaves with a white-cream central stripe, giving it an overall lighter appearance than 'Variegatum'.

Chlorophytum comosum variety
Chlorophytum comosum variety
Spider Plant

This Spider plant has curiously twisted plain green leaves with a paler green central stripe.

Cissus rhombifolia 'Ellen Danica'
Cissus rhombifolia 'Ellen Danica'
Grape Ivy

An evergreen vine from Central and Southern America, climbing by tendrils to make a large plant with a lush habit of growth. This variety has more finely cut leaves

Cyanotis somaliensis
Cyanotis somaliensis
Furry Kittens, Pussy Ears

A neat, creeping little houseplant with small slightly hairy leaves. Small, fluffy blue flowers in winter spring. Ideal for a windowsill which is not too sunny. Can also be grown in a hanging basket where it will trail

Dichondra micrantha 'Silver Falls'
Dichondra micrantha 'Silver Falls'

A vigorous spreading and trailing plant, pupular in hanging baskets where its grey leaves make a good contrast with more colourful plants.

Epiphyllum  'Red'
Epiphyllum 'Red'
Orchid Cactus

Varietal name unknown. This vigorous plant produces beautiful deep red flowers on spiny trailing stems.

Epiphyllum cooperi

Possibly E. crenatum v cooperi. An epiphytic cactus, living on trees in tropical rainforests. Large powerfully night-scented flowers appear on mature plants, each lasting only 24 hours.

Epiphyllum mauve

An epiphytic cactus, living on trees in tropical rainforests. Large mauve flowers appear on mature plants, each lasting only 24 hours.

Epiphyllum pink

An epiphytic cactus, living on trees in tropical rainforests. Large mid pink flowers appear on mature plants, each lasting only 24 hours.

Fuchsia procumbens
Trailing Fuchsia

An unusual spreading/trailing fuchsia with small green leaves yellow upward-facing flowers with red stamens and blue pollen. Can be used as a mat-forming plant for the front of a border or it will trail over edge or a pot, basket or low wall

Gloxinia nematanthodes 'Evita'
Gloxinia nematanthodes 'Evita'

A member of the Gesneriad family, forming spreading mounds of fresh green leaves which set off the beautiful vivid orange-red tubular flowers. May be hardy in a sheltered garden in very well drained soil and a thick mulch to protect the underground tubers. If in doubt overwinter indoors. Can also be grown as a trailing houseplant.

Hoya carnosa
Hoya carnosa
Variegated Wax Plant

A succulent climber with clusters of night-scented, waxy, pink flowers with a red eye from late spring-autumn.

Hoya carnosa 'Variegata'
Hoya carnosa 'Variegata'
Variegated Wax Plant

Variegated form of this succulent climber with clusters of night-scented, waxy, pink flowers with a red eye from late spring-autumn.

Lophospermum  'White'
Lophospermum 'White'

A frost-tender climber or trailing plant with lovely white , trumpet-shaped flowers in summer. Can be used in hanging baskets or trained up a short obelisk

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