Half Hardy and Summer Patio

Bring a taste of the exotic to your garden with half-hardy plants. If you can provide some winter protection it is amazing how many more interesting and plants you can grow, to the envy of your friends and family. You can grow these plants in pots and enjoy them in the garden between June and September when there is no risk of frost (UK). All they need is a greenhouse, porch or conservatory over winter kept above freezing.

Many plants will relish a spell outdoors, the local birds can get at any pests, and the sun and wind helps to strengthen the plants. September is a good time to start thinking about bringing plants undercover, as the nights will be rapidly getting longer and colder, and excess moisture can build up. Some plants will be happy tucked up against the house wall, with a bit of fleece to hand for very cold nights. 

We only show you the plants we hope to have for sale in 2024, if not available now they will progressively become so through the spring.

230 Items
Salvia 'Waverly'
Salvia 'Waverly'

Flowering from summer to autumn, this makes an large sub-shrub with long spikes with whorls of pale lavender turning to white flowers. Needs a warm spot, protected from hard frost.

Salvia africana-lutea
Salvia africana-lutea

Tender evergreen shrub with grey woolly leaves and unusual reddish brown flowers with purple tinted calyces from summer-late autumn. For a sunny spot.

Senecio (Curio)   'Himalayan Blue'
Senecio (Curio) 'Himalayan Blue'

Similar to S. ficoides but with finer foliage, a pretty plant which would look attractive in a shallow pot, placed outdoors on a sunny patio or terrace. Bring in for the winter, when it will enjoy a sunny windowsill.

Senecio angulatus
Senecio angulatus
Climbing Groundsel, Cape Ivy

A half-hardy vigourous South African climbing succulent with fleshy leaves and clusters of small bright yellow flowers in summer & autumn, which should be scented.

Senecio mikanioides
Senecio mikanioides

An attractive climbing or scrambling plant with fleshy pale green leaves with & deeper green along the veins. The reverse of the leaves is deep red. Yellow flowers may appear. Frost free, sun to part-shade.

Senecio serpens
Senecio serpens

Shrubby succulent with fleshy, frosted blue stems and blue-grey leaves. Has small, pale yellow daisies in summer.

Senecio tamoides

Setaria palmifolia
Setaria palmifolia
Palm Grass, Lachang

A tender clump forming grass with amazing finely pleated 2 inch wide leaves which on well grown plants can be up to 5 inch wide.

Sinningia  tubiflora
Sinningia tubiflora
Hardy Gloxinia

A tuberous plant from South America producing sweetly scented flowers in summer. Best grown in a container, leaving the tubers to become congested seems to improve flowering, as does a cool, frost-free winter rest. Can be grown o

Solanum  muricatum 'Pepino Gold'
Solanum muricatum 'Pepino Gold'
Melon Pear

An unusual addition to the edible garden. A frost-tender perennial, in warm seasons fruits turn yellow and can be peeled and eaten raw, tasting like a canteloupe melon.

Solanum (Lycianthes) rantonnetii
Blue Potato Bush

A vigorous, semi-evergreen shrub with masses of mauve-purple flowers to 2.5cm (1in) across throughout summer. Has a lax habit so may need support, and looks good trained against a wall.

Solanum atropurpureum
Solanum atropurpureum
Purple Devil, Malevolence, Five Minute Plant

A wickedly spiny plant for lovers of such things. A half hardy short lived perennial growing to around 2 metres, the deep purple stems are clothed with long spines, hence its common names. Large dissected leaves make it an attractive and interesting plant. All parts poisonous.

Solanum seaforthianum
Solanum seaforthianum

A frost tender, evergreen climber from tropical South America with pale to mauve flowers in summer followed by inedible red fruit.

Stenotaphrum secundatum variegatum
Stenotaphrum secundatum variegatum
Buffalo Grass, St Augustine Grass

Tender, evergreen grass with a prostrate habit and green leaves with a yellow margin. Ideal for a hanging basket or container, or ground cover for beds in a conservatory

Strobilanthes 'Orizaba'
Strobilanthes 'Orizaba'
An exotic shrub found near a Mexican volcano of that name. Makes a large leafy plant to 6 feet, with leaves up to 6" long, bronzy colour on the top and purple underneath. Great for bedding out with Cannas and Bananas. Hardiness unknown. Keep frost free to be on the safe side
Strobilanthes anisophylla
Strobilanthes anisophylla

An unusual tender shrubs with attractive deep greenish purple foliage. Masses of pale lavender flowers in autumn and winter.

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